The Golden Spiral

It’s no secret that architects are inspired by the natural setting in which their creations will exist: finding ways to take advantage of the landscape, incorporate a view, or even just figuring out how they are going to grade the foundation are all things we take into account in any design. But for one of the homes I’m working on, the land, the client, and the project have come together as beautifully as any I have ever seen. 

I knew my clients were very connected to the natural world and the spiritual power that it offers. So when I started working on the grade for the design, I couldn’t help but notice that this land offered a unique opportunity to apply one of the natural world’s most indelible symbols, the golden spiral. I want to talk you through the design process for The Golden Spiral House, which will start construction soon.

In the first image of the property, you can see the three streams that intersect (blue lines) and the first building grade (red line). When you impose a golden spiral over this area, notice that the natural north and the stream intersection line up perfectly. In fact, when using this point as the center of the siting for the house, the lines are perfect, no matter where I put the spiral. The balance is there. The natural world had already provided it. It just needed an architect to see it and know how to bring it out in the home that will be nurtured by this land.

The spiral became the inspiration for the home’s design, and I think that is clearly reflected in the 3D renderings here. I’ve blended crisp, modern lines with rounded, flowing curves throughout the home, and it all revolves around a courtyard that is open to the sky above. This courtyard, which is placed at the center of the golden spiral, will serve as a spiritual center for the homeowners; a place inside the home that allows them seamlessly to connect to the energy of the land around them.

This process of creativity combined with listening to the needs of both my clients and the land that is so important to them has resulted in a unique design that will reflect not only their personalities and style, but also addresses their functional needs for their everyday living space. I’m excited to continue to share this home with you as it goes up. Stay tuned here in the Journal and on our social media for updates and to see the final project.


The art of having vision